"Next time is next time, now is now."
Perfect Days (2023)
Wim Wenders
Saturday afternoon, something just pulled me out of my chair and took me to the cinema. I had to watch this movie before it was too late.
Doing something for myself felt strange, maybe I'm just not used to it.
Somehow this film touched on this very topic. Watching the protagonist live its daily routine so calmly, quietly and, in a way, happily, made me want to grow some plants in my room, enjoy a nice book or just take a deep breath and take everything one little step at a time.
The littlest things seemed to make him so happy that I even started envying him but soon realized what was behind them.
Just like me, he fights against his past, trying to keep his composure even though he's hurt and obliged to live with it.
In the end it seemed like a sweet surrender or an endless hope for a new day. A new day when we either stop doing the same mistakes lying to ourselvers to run away or end up stuck in that loop.
I got to the cinema feeling hopeless and got out waiting for my new day.
- English trailer: https://youtu.be/VFhnCm6-uMg